Thursday, November 5, 2009

oh baby you, GOT what i need.

What am I newly feeling fanatical over?? Gold. I have been slowly pondering gold, day in and day out after I saw some spring 10' shows... more pointedly one show. Balmain. I have been a fan for a few seasons now and I see no end in sight... Some feel like Christopher Decarnin's designs are too flashy, unwearable, and wayyy too expensive, all may be true, (the last one is DEF. true for me), but I find constant inspiration in his "flashy" designs. I like that he loves strong cuts and loves shiny, glittery, metallic, sparkly things, because I will ALWAYS love them too. ;)

Anyhow, along with my sequin obsession I have been slowly immersing myself in a sea of gold.
The following are my favorite pieces from the spring show and some photos that are feeding my gold lusting frenzy.

Hope you enjoy! Have a wonderful thursday.
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photos courtesy of tFS and weheartit.


Lori said...

i love gold as well, it definatley makes an outfit pop

Anonymous said...

Hi ! I am french and i love your blog