So, I am growing my hair out again.
After my extremely short bob, (I'm all about extremes), I decided it's time again for long locks. However, I hadn't decided for sure... what look/style I would go for once it started getting to the length I wanted. I realized (YES!) much to my amazement, I am approaching my goal length, so I set out searching for hair lengths, colors, and styles that interested me and suited what I had in mind. I came up with a few 'hair muses' that I love.
Taylor Momsen and Nicole Richie for STYLE and LENGTH.
Megan Fox, for COLOR and LENGTH.
***I cant get enough of this photo. Nicole circa 2006 with DARK HAIR! And CUTE bohemian style, lovelovelove.
***Nicole's pregnancies have done wonders for her skin, hair and Style! These pictures of her recently show her to-die hair. I love the longlong bangs and the wavy un-kempt, yet sleek style of it.
***I must say little miss Taylor, has impeccable style AND hair. I love her wavy, messy vibe she has going for her hair. I found her after browsing for personal styles I was interested in and VOILA I found my hair muse! She is most likely what I will shape my hair to look like :)
***oh, Megan FOX. Her hair is oh-so-perfect, and maybe just maybe she is too? I don't know what she does to keep it so beautiful and lush, but i want in on it. I want her hair color, EXACTLY. Well, I want her hair in general, buuuut I will settle for AT LEAST the color. So, lovely, right?
ps. the more I look back at the pictures of Megan I love her hair styles too! what to do what to do??
What do you think? Bangs/no Bangs?
Which hair style do you like?
Have a great FRIDAY!!!
photos from tFs, and various other sources.
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