Back again lovers. I have some new ideas for July...August. Need some fun things to keep the rest of my summer occupied besides this BORING summer class I am taking ;)
Thankfully many of you fellow fashion bloggers have not been plagued with summer classes and have been exploring your summer fashion endlessly and have bestowed me with some lovely ideas for DIY's. YES, YES! Here are some pictures of the things I think could be do-able. I am crazy about trying to do the AD sandal/boots! There is NO WAY I could get a real pair, but I would love to try and see what I can come up with! I need to go to my favorite vintage store before work today and see if I can find some victim boots to try it with!!
Here are the Inspirations:
These all seem very attainable. ITEMS I need: Soft, oversized t-shirt, thick ribbon/material, colored studs, victim boots, laces, chains, ropes, safety pins, fringe, feathers, victim leggings that are heavier-weight material. I think that's about it? hahaha. I am so excited!
Have a lovely day, fashionistas!